Height Difference Leads To Love


Isabela Andrade is an interesting example of how a Nationality can effect your Love Life. Isabela was a thirty seven-year-old single mother who spoke Portuguese, a fact that spoke volumes about her nationality and Spanish background. Her husband, on the other hand was not Hispanic and yet their love had blossomed. She took great pride in the fact that her husband spoke only Spanish, something that delighted their new born baby, Jair.

Isabela and Jair were an unusual couple for their time. Jair was six feet tall, which put him at the very top of the height scale for being a fit and attractive man. His only major problem was that he suffered from osteoporosis and because of this suffered from frequent back and knee pain. He often went to work with a brace on his right knee, which held his leg in place while he shoveled snow or shoveled the grass. Isabela on the other hand had what is known as a “Spanish face.” Not exactly beautiful, this facial feature made her appear quite old and unattractive, but at the same time she radiated happiness and warmth.

When they married, Isabela always went out of her way to dress up nicely for the wedding and to look like a real Spanish bride. The photographs that were taken during this time show just how well she knew her role as wife and mother and how well she took care of her body. Many people consider this a beautiful and remarkable touch of kindness on her part, as well as a testament to her strong character.
