Age Does Count For Much With Interracial Couples


It’s interesting to note that when it comes to the relationships of two people, one’s nationalities can play an important part. For instance, while the young American couple of Isabela Arajo and her husband, Fabrice Collomb, had a very common birth country (Italy), their marriage took some time to become strong. The Nationality issue is important to consider, since the relationship grew strong between both parties and then later disintegrated, with the marriage itself breaking up when Ariel Arajo, a Brazilian, gave birth to a child called Antonio. While both her husband and mother had gone to college, there seemed to be little in the way of culture or language to speak over the language barrier that separated them.

But even when the two had come to think of themselves as Brazilian and Italian, it wasn’t easy for them to fully integrate. Even so, with the help of the Internet and their close friends in their home country of Brazil, they found that they could easily adjust. They met in the year 2021, when Isabela was twenty-two years old and Fabrice was thirty-four; they hit it off immediately, and in the months that followed, they gradually began to make plans for their future. Their Nationality issue was a real problem for the initially mixed up and unsure of themselves couples, but it made the marriage stronger, as each party felt stronger in the other’s presence.

In fact, their Nationality issue didn’t cause any complications for their marriage, at least not in the beginning. In fact, it actually helped them get closer, as many interracial couples do when one partner is from a different race or nationality. They’d talk in Portuguese, they dined together, and even had children together. It seems that age did matter for the two, as age would be an impediment to a more fulfilling love life, but in the end, it was what brought them together.
