What Age is Right For Dating an Isabela Carmo?


Isabela Carmo is a writer living in Spain. She has written many articles and books on topics ranging from love and romance, to health, to women’s issues. Her first novel, “Guerilla Me”, won theacular acclaim when it was published in 2021 and made her an overnight success in Spain and across Europe. Isabela Carmo is now looking for her first novel, a series of stories set in the Mediterranean world, set in Spain, Portugal and Southern Italy. This is known as the “Isles of Paradise”, a reference to the several islands that make up the region known as the Mediterranean.

Isabela Carmo knows all about relationships and how to go about making them work. Her own background in writing has allowed her to have a unique perspective and understanding of how relationships are formed and can be maintained, from nationalities and ages. As a result, Carmo can provide readers with a clear picture of what to expect from her stories and make them feel much more comfortable about falling in and out of love with someone new. Her own experiences as a young woman in love and in a relationship as a young woman helped form the character of Fifi, who was featured in her first novel. Her own nationality, Spanish, also has a lot to do with how she relates to others, and how her profession, writing plays an integral part in the character’s development in her stories.

When it comes to dating in the modern world, Carmo takes the reader on a roller coaster ride through a variety of settings and personalities as she takes them from the familiar European landscape where relationships are common to the culture, customs and challenges of life in southern Italy, where she is originally from. The heights that these two women reach in their relationships serve as the plot line of most of the books that they write. Carmo has a unique way of introducing romance into her stories because she not only incorporates the romance of the age of dating and love but she also teaches young women about balancing their professional lives with the important things in life.
