Fitness Coach and Nutrition Expert


Isabela Bussade is a former Miss Brazil, who has become a successful personal trainer and wellness coach. She has used her knowledge and experience in the health and fitness industry to help others develop their health and lifestyles. Her teachings have allowed her to teach thousands of people from all over the world how they can get fit, maintain their weight, and prevent disease. In fact, Bussade believes that a balance between old age, illness, and youth is the only way to be healthy.

Isabela Bussade also teaches her older students how to have confidence in them so that they can pursue their careers without having a hard time adjusting to a new lifestyle. Her dating advice is geared towards women who are in their forties and fifties. Dating advice for women in this age group is important because they may face a lot of career changes, some of which will include a move to another state or country. Many of the women may find themselves alone and without a partner while trying to adjust to their new lifestyle. Bussade’s dating advice focuses on helping these women understand the dynamics behind dating and relationships so that they can be successful at finding a long-term partner. Bussade also teaches women the art of personal training, which can help them be more efficient at finding partners.

Isabela Bussade started her personal training career as a nutritionist and fitness trainer in 1985 and has worked with many clients in all aspects of health and fitness. Her nutritionists helped overweight and obese people to lose weight and reduce their risks for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other illnesses. Bussade studied exercise physiology and worked for years in the athletic training field before becoming a nutritionist. Now she is a full-time fitness coach and author. As a certified fitness and dietitian, Bussade has helped hundreds of people set realistic and effective fitness and diet goals.
