Lsabela Simes


Lsabela Simes is a member of the American People’s Olympians team, an athlete of Puerto Rican and Dominican descent. In gymnastics, she is a member of the all time team, the defending National Title holders. Her height is 6′ 4″, which is considered to be pretty tall for an athlete of that size. Her claims of being a Puerto Rican and Dominican are suspect at best due to her looking so much like an American. There are rumors that she was born in Peru, which would make sense considering that her parents may have been native to the Andes Mountains.

Her claim that she is of Puerto Rican and Dominican descent has been questioned by several people including the US government. On her birth certificate, her mother listed her as Hispanic, which according to them, was a mistake on the record, and should be changed to Puerto Rican. Her father on the other hand says that he isn’t sure about it but doesn’t really care, and just knows her as his daughter. This may seem like semantics to the layperson, but in order for you to understand what Lsabela Simes is claiming, you have to look at the physical facts surrounding her case, and the discrepancies that have been reported between her family members.

Her claim that she is Puerto Rican and Dominican is apparently based on two very specific pieces of information. The first is that her maternal grandmother was Puerto Rican, and the second is that she has Puerto Rican and Dominican ancestry, something that is impossible for someone who claimed to be of Hispanic descent without any evidence to back that claim up. Her height is also impossible for someone to claim as being a Puerto Rican unless they have at least 6′ 2″ in height, something that Simes definitely does not have. Her occupation is listed as “craftsman”, which are also incorrect according to the US census, and another obvious clue as to her true nationality.
