Valentina Florentine – A Real Nationality


It is true that Valentina Fluchaire had been the Queen of Spain for fourteen years. She was also the Countess of Burgundy. Yet, despite the fact that she was a royal member of the Royal court and a member of high nobility, she was never actually entitled to be called “nee” or “broonie” by the French because she was born in England. This is because during her marriage to Don Juan de Las Aguas, the king of Spain, at the time of the Spanish Invasion of France, there were already many marriages between English and French citizens, so it was only natural for them to refer to her as “la femme de la Grande femme”. This was despite the fact that she was actually born in Austria, not in Spain.

Nevertheless, being queen and consort of a powerful and mighty Spain, Valentina Fluchaire definitely had the height and weight for the part. She was also a very accomplished and skilled swordsman and also a good striker in fencing. So, what is even more interesting is that the main character in this romantic play, Don Juan, is played by the same woman with the same name. It may be a coincidence but maybe it isn’t.

We can say Valentina was the type of woman who was not afraid of taking risks and who was not above competing in dress competitions, which is a very common thing for the times. Or she might have been the type of woman who, just because she was not satisfied with her station in life, decided to try out for the role of a general in the army, which is also quite common during the reign of queen Elizabeth I. Or she could have been a nurse who, through her beauty, gained the attention of some of the greatest surgeons of the day, thereby gaining access to their most sensitive organs. Whatever Valentina Fluchaire’s nationalities or her age, she certainly did try out for the crown, as a good swordsman and a skilled swordsman.
