How tall Valentina Schmidt Really Is


Valentina Schmidt is an American national who was raised in Ohio and currently works in Washington D.C. She currently identifies as a Hispanic girl and wears the name, Valentina. Recently in an online dating chat she stated that she is 35 years old and wears her hair in cornrows like a common teacher. In discussing her nationality, she said she considers herself a member of both the United States’ Department of State and the Department of Veterans Affairs. On her career path she served for three years in the Peace Corp. at a teaching post in the Pacific Northwest before becoming a consultant. Following her brief stint as a consultant, she worked for a company in New York City focusing on helping minority women attain higher education.

According to the notes on her website, Valentina Schmidt was married and divorced in 2021. Her first marriage ended while she was still a student at Bowling Green State University, and she ultimately separated from her second spouse in 2021. Her current relationship with her current boyfriend was documented on a personal blog posted by Schmidt’s mother. In addition, Schmidt states that she has four children. This information places her age at somewhere between 34 and 37 years of age, making her a national citizen according to the immigration laws of United States.

After spending some time online conversing with her online dating profile, one can’t help but wonder if she is telling the truth about her nationality or not. Was she born in America or is she a national of Germany? If one were to look up her birth records she states that she was born in Germany but the exact birth date is unknown. The only concrete thing known about her biological gender is that she is of average height, weighing in at 160 pounds according to public records.
