Is Her Nationality Difference a Cause For Concern?


Valentina Blingbling, a real life model and actress, claims that many of her friends are jealous of her height and nationalities. It’s a fact that height and nationality don’t always go together, but these two issues are certainly not discussed by Blingbling. She made quite an interesting statement while speaking with interviewer Cesar Vallejo-Gonzales: “I think the height difference is really a problem because it’s like, height is a part of your image and I would love to fit in with my taller friends, but I’m just not tall enough.” She continued, “My motto is to be confident on set. If you give me some advice, I’d be very happy to take it.”

Valentina Blingbling does have some unique and enviable credentials as an actress, but she chose to pursue modeling instead of acting. The height issue is probably not something she intended to bring up while chatting with Vallejo-Gonzales, but she did state that her height difference and nationality difference do play a role in her decision. Does this mean that she will never act? Not necessarily, but the issue may cause her to have to rethink whether or not she fits into the Hollywood mold of pretty faces? It is certainly an interesting concept that height and nationality do not always go together. This interesting comment sheds light on the possibility that some roles require actors to play a specific character, while others involve simply being an actor.

As Blingbling has proven, being an actress can definitely offer a beautiful face that is well beyond the average height, but it may not always guarantee success. Does height and nationality really make a difference when trying to break into the entertainment industry? Only time will tell. Will Valentina Blingbling ever be able to fit into Hollywood and find her niche in the film industry? Only time will tell, but if she is talented, she has a bright future ahead of her.
