Nationality and Age in Asian American Dating and Relationships


Erika Resor is a freelance journalist who writes about personal growth, relationships and culture. In her articles she looks at Asian-American issues from a perspective that strives to be open minded and critical. Her articles are very thought provoking and bring about an impression of diversity in the Asian American community. Recently she wrote a piece entitled “Asians Are Not Just Rich and Friendly: A Nationality For All the Right Reasons” in which she discusses the need for national pride amongst Asians and outlines what that means for Asian American dating and relationships. She is also currently working on a book that will address the issues of racial identity and national identity in light of the immigration debates and how race can be a factor in a relationship.

It is important to have a sense of difference and sometimes that difference comes in the form of nationality. Erika Resor identifies as an Asian because of her nationality, but she clearly looks at things from an American perspective, even if that means being half a different country. I think that’s great that she identifies her nationality (Asian) is not a race, but is about more than just one race. It would be interesting to see how other racial categories would relate to the idea of nationality. For instance how could Indians be considered Indian or Puerto Rican?

Age is also a factor when it comes to looking for a partner. One thing that is interesting in this scenario is that despite being raised as an American, Erika Resor married an Asian man. So what does that say about the age limit for finding your true love? We’ll have to wait and see.
