Ashley Mackenzie Height of Fame


Ashley Mackenzie was an Australian model and actress, known for her tall, beautiful looks. She rose to fame in the 1980s with a series of well publicised campaigns for women’s clothing, often holding a walk around the city with other female celebrities to promote the clothing lines. The Height of Fame memento mori is an acrylic statue of Mackenzies famous feet from the past and shows her standing beside her partner Steve McQueen in the equally iconic pose of The Golden Triangle. As well as this figure, there are several other foot designs from throughout her career, including the self-designed Angelina Jolie pose with the said pair from the Batman Returns movie.

In the end, it comes down to the opinion of the person you are asking. Ashley is a proud Australian, born and bred in the country. While some may argue that she could have achieved her heights in a different country, her association with those that have come before making her an Australian citizen by birth, therefore qualified to wear the crown. Similarly, some may argue that working with some of the most famous people in Hollywood history has made her an international celebrity, thus qualified to wear the nationality’s highest crown. As such, we have chosen to feature Ashley Mackenzies Height of Fame Head Sculpture as our celebrity Ashley’s very own.

Regardless of whose opinion you’re going to listen to, one thing is certain: there is only one nation where Ash Mackenzies Height of Fame Head Sculpture can be found. If you are an Australian and would like to add this famous profile to your collection of royalty of height, please visit our website. We offer custom made gifts and decorations, as well as a wide selection of high quality accessories to complement any of our Ashley Mackenzies Height of Fame creations. You can also get in touch with us if you want to place an order for something more specific.
