Height and Identity Issues


Ashley Dayes, actor and martial artist, is currently dating with an English national called Jason Craig. He is thirty years old and has been in a relationship for the last eight years with another man, named Paul Danziger. According to some reports, Ashley Dayes does not really identify with nationality, being instead only a product of his circumstances. However, he has stated in some interviews that he considers himself British and that his birth country is Moldova. However, he has stated in other interviews that he considers himself British and that his birth country is Moldova. This raises the interesting question: does Jason Craig belong to the British Nationality or the Moldovan Nationality?

The answer to this question will probably never be known. Ashley Dayes was not born in Britain but rather in Moldova at the age of eighteen. He has mentioned in some interviews that he feels most comfortable and at home in Moldova, which could be a reason why he stayed there and worked for Danziger. He was married in Moldova before moving to Britain and it may be that he thought it would be more comfortable to live there rather than return to England to look for work.

It is difficult to say whether Ashley Dayes is British by birth or by his chosen nationality of Moldova. However, it seems more reasonable to assume that his occupation as an actor was enough to give him a British citizenship, given that he had already been to this country several times and given that he worked for the film industry in Africa, Australia, and Canada. We do know that he is in fact British by virtue of his birth and that he is of medium height, therefore he would fit into the British Nationality category.
