Height and Love


Ashley Olah was raised in the segregated South and has always felt she was different from her peers. Growing up in a poor community, Ashley felt like she didn’t fit in with the ‘normal’ people she looked up to. She felt like no one would really understand what she felt because of her color and ethnicity. When she finally decided to go to college and get her degree, she did so with the hopes of changing her circumstances. She wanted to make a difference in her educational efforts and be successful.

Now in her thirties, Ashley is still trying to figure out what she wants out of life. Her dream of becoming a teacher has been shelved due to financial and personnel constraints. She has however decided that she wants to be successful in her love life. She realizes that race does not have anything to do with it and is in search of a good relationship with a Caucasian male.

Ashley is now pursuing a career in physical therapy. She has enjoyed a great deal of success and has met very beautiful men. But as she has gotten older, she realizes that the idealism of her childhood has been lost. In an effort to find love, Ashley is now working on increasing her height. Having short height is now putting her in the ‘back seat’ in her relationships and profession.
