Ashley Lamothe – A Bodybuilder And Nationality Woman


Ashley Lamothe is an American actress and bodybuilder. She is thirty-one years old. Her real name is Ashley Nicole Lanzarote. In the late eighties, she went under a spell of death, but returned to Hollywood, this time under her own name, and her physique. Her real name is not Ashley Nicole Lanzarote, but Ashley Nicole Travlos.

Lamothe’s Nationality is American. However, when you look at her resume, and even her bio-page on the Internet, you can see that she is British. In her bio-page, it mentions her being from Ohio, yet was actually born in California. You could argue that in order to achieve a certain height, one needs to be from an industrialized country, such as the United States, yet she fails to mention that fact in her resume, nor does she mention that she is a graduate of a national gymnastics training school.

If you dig deeper into her personal life, you will find out that she married a French Canadian, and is half Japanese. She has two stepsons, one of French Canadian descent, and half Australian. This would place her descent at approximately eleven percent French Canadian, with the remainder being wholly of Asian descent. Her sexual orientation is strictly a matter of public record, as she has never given any hints that she is bisexual, even when confronted with sexual innuendos from men.
