Ansley Fromm – Age Is A Misnomer


Nationality is important to understand, especially when you are working with an iconic celebrity as Ansley Fromm. Ansley Fromm’s official website states that she is “a British girl from the southern cities of England”. Although it is easy to assume that this means she is a middle-aged woman, that is not necessarily true. She has never once stated she is of Irish descent or anything related to being British.

There is speculation on whether she considers herself to be British or not, but Ansley has never once said that her birthday is British in any interview or public statement. This lack of information is interesting. While her fans can be forgiven for thinking she might not be genuine due to her ambiguous nationality, her real problem comes in the fact that many celebrities have very vague personal websites or social media profiles and therefore, their true age cannot be accurately determined.

The question of nationality can also be asked when one considers her former occupations. She has been employed by the Department of Health in the UK, a position which seems to suggest that she is female. However, she has also worked as a model and actress, both of which give her a totally different “nationality” than the one implied by the Ansley Fromm brand ambassador description. Therefore, it seems her age is a misnomer, more so that her actual nationality. Regardless, this will be interesting to see as Ansley Fromm continues to expand her global empire.
