The Nationality of Adriana Campos-salazar


When we talk about the Adriana Campos-salazar case, we talk about a case of extreme good fortune. And we are right to do so, as it is truly an instance of “fate” that has happened to this young woman who stands accused of marrying an older man with the promise of marriage in her hand. In fact, her parents had no knowledge of such marriage and even less idea about the couple’s true identity or their intentions when they welcomed her into their home. In this particular case, the crime of “marital rape” had been committed. Adriana was charged under article 9 Sect 8 of the penal code, which states that any person who, without consent of the other person, has sexual intercourse against that person’s will is guilty of an offense and is punished with imprisonment and/or a fine.

As defined, this crime of “marital rape” falls under the classification of aggravated assault because it involves a great bodily injury. Adriana Campos-Salazar is definitely a victim of this horrible crime, as she is accused of being raped by a known offender (who was already known to her parents) and by an individual known to her as “Publisher”. Under the circumstances presented by the law on aggravated assault and its punishment, it is clear to see that Adriana Campos-salazar bears the full responsibility for the death of her partner, whom she openly gave birth to, and of the subsequent damage and loss of income that resulted from her inability to continue working.

Considering the fact that the crime of “marital rape” carries a very serious penalty under Mexican law and the fact that this case bears the hallmarks of a “product of passion, destruction and waste” (the same elements that define “rape”), it is apparent that Adriana Campos-salazar bears the full responsibility for the devastating losses that her family has suffered as a direct result of her actions. Despite the lack of physical signs of the crime that allegedly occurred between Adriana Campos-salazar and her associate” Publisher” during their second marriage, the precise nature of the relationship between Adriana Campos-salazar and” Publisher” remains in doubt. Furthermore, even if the DNA found at the scene of the crime does not belong to Adriana Campos-salazar or her associate, the lack of physical evidence implicates her immediate family in the crime. As such, Adriana Campos-Salazar has been arbitrarily charged with the crime of “marital rape” and has been represented by prominent attorney Carlos Zambrano of Mexico.
