A Woman of Nationality and a Lawyer


The Nationality of Adriana Prda shows her dedication in public and private life. She is married to a Portuguese Father, Joao dos Ajeres who died at the age of 33. Her dedication and service to her husband and country show through the articles written about them both in their native tongue and in English. Born in Rio, Brazil, Adriana Prda studied Law at the request of her parents who are from Brazil and Germany respectively and then at Harvard University.

During her early years at college, she was sexually abused by members of the IRA gang while she was studying there. This left her with deep and haunting flashbacks of the attack that she could not forget for the rest of her life. After this episode, the IRA refused to employ her as a legal assistant and claimed that she had AIDS. It was later revealed that she was in fact working towards ending the occupation of the IRA through sabotage operations, but she never received a letter of dismissal from this institution. Her personal record indicates that she continued to work part-time as an Assistant Public Defender at the time of her death in a car crash in Brazil.

The most fascinating aspect about Adriana Prda’s involvement in the IRA is the fact that the prosecution’s main case was brought against a person who was thirty years old at the time of her death. One wonders if this was because she was pregnant at the time. If so, this might explain why the prosecution could not produce sufficient evidence of Adriana Prda’s guilt in a trial which took several years to conclude. The lack of solid evidence in this case is typical of how the prosecution uses witnesses who are too young to be reliable or important to help their case.
