Age Defying Adriana Torrebejano


Adriana Torrebejano, also known as Adriana Torrebe, is a Peruvian actress. She has portrayed different characters in movies and also acted in different television shows for the past several years, including an excellent role in the movie “Men Who Stare at Goats”. The main character of the film was an archaeologist who was a bit on the heavy side, but did not seem to mind being called “horny” by her partner in the movie. This helped Adriana Torrebejano develop some strong facial muscles that are showcased in her photos. In her career she has played a supporting character in over one hundred and sixty films and has received seven Academy Awards including Best Actress in a Leading Role category for her work in “Au Vida” with River Phoenix.

Height and education are both important parts of her resume, as it is apparent from her images that she is well-endowed in height. Height is an asset in the acting business, as many of the films involve roles that require the actor to be very tall or have a large frame. Education, on the other hand, often comes with a price tag as many of the roles require very sharp and educated eyesight that requires special glasses and contact lenses. For many years Adriana Torrebejano has kept a very high standard of public image, and this is reflected in her appearing slim, attractive and elegant in her images.

It is clear from the photos and videos of Adriana Torrebejano, and her co-stars from the movie, that she is always ready and able to take on any role that comes her way, and never feels the pressure of trying to live up to the standards of her famous co-stars. Her ability to play the character of a hard-working, mature person, yet also a young woman with great beauty and appealing features, makes her one of the most versatile actresses working today. She is perfectly content in the role of a loving wife and mother, yet also takes on an active, adventurous role as a love interest for a younger man in the film. This role is further highlighted by the beautiful, young physique of the star as she stands at almost 6 feet in height, and weighs in the region of 120 pounds.
