Height Difference Means No Matter What Profession You Are In, You Can’t Choose A Partner


When you are looking for a partner of the opposite sex, one of the first qualities that you should be considering is her height difference. We are living in a day and age when physical attraction is more important than ever. This means that it is more important to focus on a woman’s physical looks. You see, height has a lot to do with personality and nationality. If the woman is tall, she is more likely to be able to accentuate her positive qualities and hide her negative qualities, while if she is shorter, then she will have to work that much harder to compensate for her height disadvantage.

There is a very common misconception out there about Francisca Bustos and her popularity. Some believe that because Francisca has flat abs, then any woman who is short automatically has to be attractive and beautiful. This simply isn’t true. Flat abs are good, but you can still have great looks with a nice pair of firm, curvy hips. In fact, the main reason why this particular model became famous is because of the way she accentuated her assets and looked great with them at an age where every woman wanted to appear as slim as possible to achieve the desired height.

When you are looking for a partner, remember that height difference is not going to be a deal breaker. It might seem like it, especially if you are looking for a partner in the same profession or religion. However, it is important to focus more on the other qualities of a woman, such as her intelligence, her compassion and her commitment to her profession. All of these contribute to the final decision of whether or not you and your partner will work out together or not.
