Was Francisca Allaya Hispanic?


When the frizzy-haired former Miss Argentina became the first Woman of the Year, she wore her national dress with pride and joy – the sash of her nation, the crown of the crown. Since then, there has been a lot of speculation about whether Miss Alday has Hispanic blood in her veins, but this has not been confirmed. If it is true that she does, it may be from a long line of Spanish ancestors that began in the Iberian Peninsula, but it may also be because of her Spanish nationality. There are ways to examine some of her physical attributes to determine if perhaps, she is of Hispanic decent, but her nationality, much like the many other ethnic groups in the world today, can be overlooked. When you ask the question “Was Francisca Alday a Hispanic Nationality?”

One of the ways to answer this question is to look at her occupations and professions throughout her life. While her profession can be listed under any occupation, they might not be what brought about her designation as “Queen of the Coliseum.” While she was never actually engaged in a battle, one can assume that she would have had her hands full in a fencing ring throughout her days. This might explain why her complexion was so delicate – possibly she avoided skin abrasions by boxing. While her occupation might not be one that would lead one into battle, it did lead her into a position where one would assume she might be of Hispanic decent, at least in appearance.

It is possible that there were no ties between Francisca Alday and Hispanic heritage, and this is entirely possible. Her marriage to Miguel Hidalgo might have been something of a love affair in the truest sense of the term, but it might have also been considered a business partnership in the legal sense of the word. Regardless of who she married, one can be sure that her husband showed genuine concern for her throughout their marriage, as was the case with any woman who might come into contact with Hidalgo – especially those who served as agents or assistants for him in the Colombian military. It is easy to see how this young woman might have displayed traits of sensitivity and consideration while also being open to the ways of the world beyond her marriage.
