Sofa Franklyn, A Podcast That talks About Fashion


Sofia Franklyn (nicknamed Frankie) is a thirty-one-year-old American talk show host and podcast personality who are popular among the people from all age groups. She has been hosting her popular podcast since 2021 and has gained great popularity among the people from all around the world. In fact, she has become one of the most sought after talk show hosts in the USA. Frankies’ Height was launched in 2021 and it deals with the matter of high profile height matters.

This podcast was created as a platform for many American women to discuss their height woes and issues. It has been perceived that Sofia Franklyn successfully solves the problems of many women and young ladies who are not happy about their height. The main function of this podcast is to tackle controversial issues through a lively discussion without any personal attacks on any one of the opponents. The discussion on Sofia Franklyn shows how she interacts with her co-panelists and how she successfully manage the guests on her show. The discussions also reveal the efficiency of Sofia Franklyn’s writing skills, the expertise of the podcasters and the way they discuss issues on this platform. This article will highlight on some of the points discussed in Sofia franklyn podcast.

Frankies Height podcast received a lot of popularity within the first week of its launch and was featured on various prominent media channels. The episodes were viewed by millions of people and this was one of the main reasons why Sofia Franklyn gained a lot of fans within the very first month of launching the show on the internet. As a result of this huge popularity of the show, Sofia Franklyn decided to launch a website for more updates and news. Apart from the website, she also started her own line of books by publishing through Create Space.
