Does Angelica Granato Really Exists?


Angelica Granato, the world famous singer of La Familia was born in Palermo and raised in Marbella. She has several nationalities. According to some people she is a Sicilian, a Puerto Rican, an Italian and a Hispanic. The truth is that Angelica was born in Sicily and she considers herself to be a Sicilian. According to her personal books and on her profile at one of the popular search engines like Google, Angelica is Puerto Rican and was born in Palermo.

Some other sources state that Angelica was born in Palermo, but the date is not given. The truth is that the birth date is not included in any of the public records. There is one possibility that she might be a Puerto Rican and that might explain why her real name is not published in the public records. Another possibility is that she might be a Sicilian national, which explains why she was working in New York City and yet never specified her nationality when speaking about her height and weight.

Other sources state that Angelica was born in Brooklyn, New York and is an American. Based on what we know about her real name and the nationality or her birth country, it is hard to know if she is really American. Her height is accurate as claimed by the public records, her weight reasonable according to some sources and she has the same physique now as she had then. But there is one possibility that she is not an American by birth but is a Puerto Rican by choice. That would mean that she might be an illegal immigrant which some Americans do have an inclination to consider themselves if they are in any way connected to illegal immigrants.
