Angelica Leva Becomes a Major Name in Theatre


The National Opera has cast Angelica Leva to play a part in their forthcoming production of Donizetti’s Requiem. Produced by the Opera, it is due to be one of the most spectacular productions ever put on by the theatre and is intended as a tribute to Donizetti and his lifelong commitment to the art of opera. However, prior to this production taking places, Angelica will also be appearing at the Cheltenham Festival in England, which takes place in September this year. It has been confirmed that Angelica will not be appearing in the actual Requiem itself but will be appearing in a different role as the title character in a different production, which has yet to be announced.

The question on everybody’s mind now is, ‘How old is Angelica?’ We can safely state that the majority of people, when asked this question, would have the answer of sixty-five years and a half. This puts her at the late seventies and the early eighties of her stage career, which is considered by many to be amongst her best. Some people might even go as far as to say that she was past the age of prime but by all means, the question remains open as regards her actual age. If her fans could get their way, they would see Angelica as being quite young, which would make her just as exciting a performer as she is for being such a great age.

The question as to Angelica’s actual nationality is another one that might arise. The question is as to whether she is Italian or simply British. Angelica has been compared to the real life actresses from Great Britain like Julia Roberts and Helena Bonham Carter, in terms of her ethnicity and nationality. If you were to look at some reviews on the Internet, you would find them to be very complimentary in terms of Angelica’s ethnicity and nationality, although they also mention that she looks nothing like them.
