Angelica Wennergren


Angelica Wennergren was born in Germany but according to some sources is of Russian decent. She had a Nationality of German descent and according to the SS documents she is a dual national with German and Czech roots. According to some sources Angelica has German and Czech roots going back as far as when she was four years old. Angelica’s parents, her mother in particular, always made it a point to teach their daughter that money does not grow on trees and that to succeed and be well off one needs to be good at work.

In those days before her parents died Angelica was always very good at what she did and even skipped school more than once to pursue her dream of becoming a gymnast in the USA. According to the profile on her site where she lives as a professional volleyball player in Germany she started playing volleyball at a very early age of six and was always very focused and dedicated to achieving success both personally and on the sports field. When asked if she would like to play the game of American football she answered with a firm yes. As mentioned before Angelica has dual citizenship as German and Czech and according to some of her more recent athletic accomplishments in Germany as a member of the German National Team she has also been playing for the national soccer team.

So how tall is Angelica Wennergren? According to some sources she stands at about five feet seven inches tall and was not tall as a child but her height did improve as she became a teen. The only information I have on this is that her parents separated when she was young and she moved away to live in the USA. Is Angelica Wennergren a long length woman with a round face or does she have a small face with deep-set dark eyes? If so that could explain her short height. She does have a small waist as she is a very thin woman and was somewhat concerned that being foreign would affect her ability to have a normal height.
