Angelica Barwich and the Height Charts


Height hires, as with most things in life, are a subjective process. What some people think is good for others might not work for you. What Angelica Barwick thinks is good for her could be terrible for you. It’s always important to keep in mind that, just like fashion, what works for one person might be totally out of place in another. When it comes to fashion, there are as many opinions about what “look” is best as there are people who have actually worn certain looks to make them look their best.

Height hires help manage your career by making it easier for you to find a great publicist, manage your image with a great publicist, keep up with the ever-changing media landscape, and understand how your looks impact your professional success. You can use the charts that will tell you how many magazines you have published, how many of them you’ve won any awards in, and your overall placement in the industry. This data is incredibly useful when it comes to evaluating potential new partners, evaluating where you stand within a company, finding creative ways to market yourself, and evaluating the results you’re actually receiving from your professional ventures. If you’re still looking for a partner to carry your name forward, using the data provided on the Height Charts will help you find that partner.

If you don’t know what a publicist does, let me assure you that they are a vital part of the entertainment industry. Just because you are a performer, singer, actor, or actress does not mean that you can discount the importance of a publicist. With an easy to use height chart to show you your exact height and average height, you will be able to find a great publicist quickly, and save yourself time and money. And, once you have found a publicist who fits your needs, you will know what it takes to get your message out there.
