Height Increases in Personal Training


The title of this article “Antonella Silveira” is very appropriate, as it is a perfect example of how a height increasing professional should act. As a professional with such a pronounced height, Antonella would have a hard time finding work at a bar or in a club. The reason for this is that a man who stands 6 feet and is obese is generally considered not attractive enough by these organizations to be taken as a partner. Even though this may be true to a degree, it is a sad reflection of our society that a woman must work in order to support herself. The good thing about working at an office or club is that you are with other men or women who have the same interests as you, which helps build strong relationships with your co-workers and clients.

Unfortunately, Antonella is not blessed with this type of luck. Like many of the people she knows, she has a job that does not pay well, forcing her to look for other employment opportunities. However, even if she had been able to find such employment, she would likely have been paid only minimally, and not as well compensated as her co-workers. Antonella is aware that she is under-represented in this field. This realization is what leads her to her eventual choice of becoming a personal trainer.

Her motivation for this decision is two-fold: first, she realizes that being an effective motivator is vital in getting results, and second, she feels that if other people know the terrible truth about her lack of height, then they will not deter from their bad habits. It therefore becomes her desire to show others how they can overcome their insecurities about themselves, thus benefiting from their own hard work and effort. Personal training has indeed allowed Antonella to achieve her dream of working in an environment where she can be an asset and not an accessory. I think you will agree that being tall and slim is a good thing.
