Height Or Nationality Does Not Matter Much In The Case Of Maria Palm


Maria Palm is an Italian actress, dancer and model. She was born in Turin and grew up in Siena as the daughter of a local dentist. Height is not a major attribute that pertain to her image, but it does help give her a sultry, sophisticated image. At six feet tall, Palm is considered an average height for an adult woman. Her best known roles are in Italian movies with such names as “Aida” and “Guido.”

Height and nationality do not seem to mesh well together in Palm’s case. She was married to an American in Costa Rica for fifteen years before becoming an actress and dancer in New York. While some may argue that her marriage to an American made her lose some of her original identity, other people are quick to point out that Palm’s weight loss has actually helped her gain some back muscle. Height and nationality do not mix in the case of an Italian woman trying to become an actress and dancer in New York. Maria Palm fits into both categories very nicely though.

Height or nationality do not seem to play such a big role in the case of Maria Palm. When Palm is in character, it seems that her height does not matter much. At times, it may seem that her height is an excuse for not being able to achieve the kind of success she would desire if her height was no longer an issue. Height or nationality have little to do with a woman’s self-image or even her career as a dancer. Only time will tell what kind of impact Height and Nationality have on the life of Maria Palm.
