Who is Maria Silvestar?


Maria Silvestar is an award-winning writer. She has written over fifty books of fiction, non-fiction, cookery, biography, and historical biographies, most of which are about her own life. Born in northeastern Spain, Silvestar is described as being one of the region’s more eccentric figures. She was said to have studied architecture and Spanish grammar in order to become a translator and then an author. In her native country, she became known for bringing traditional folk music to the attention of the art community. In her later years, she concentrated on writing historical novels about Spain’s relationships with its neighbors, which earned her a variety of awards including the Nobel Prize.

In terms of marital status, Silvestar is one of a very small percentage of Spanish women who married men of their nationalities. The reason for this is not clear, but it does represent a significant portion of the marriages that take place in Spain. There is one known case of a woman who was married twice, one of which was an American and the second an Australian. According to some accounts, Silvestar did not marry a man of her native nationality during her marriage; however, this is not entirely clear.

Maria Silvestar’s first marriage, to an American in a rural region of Spain, ended rather badly. She subsequently had no children, and the split with her husband ended her marital search. At the time of her death, Silvestar was rumoured to be involved in a plot to kill King Juan Carlos and take over the throne. However, there is no clear evidence to support this. Regardless, Silvestar’s lack of children is a considerable point in her favour as far as the possibility of connecting her to the possibility of becoming Queen of Spain is concerned.
