Maria Callas


Maria Callas is a talented classical singer and painter, who achieved worldwide recognition in her many performances of “umersional” works such as The Clown, Ecstasy of Youth, Love is a Storm, Dona Maria & Dona Mexico etc. She has achieved fame for her voice and her physique, which earned her a place in the pantheon of supermodels. However, her most celebrated role is that of a character in a play written by Philip Pullman, The London accent turned Callas into a glamorous figure of a leading character in the television show Gossip Girl, which have been one of the most successful shows on the air, and which currently enjoys a ratings high for its third season.

Called ‘the new Sophyne’, Maria Callas was born in San Juan del Rio Pescador, a city famous throughout Latin America as the birth place of the hippie culture. It seems that this made her a natural choice for the calla profession, as it is a profession that is particularly suited to people born within this region. Called by some as a ‘feminist Sophyne’ because of her beliefs about gender roles, Maria Callas is seen as a pioneer in the field of calla. She is described by one calla guru as the symbol of modern day calla. Other calla gurus state that Callas possesses an unusual gift to connect with listeners because of her ability to use melodic structuring, unusual vocal tone and impeccable diction.

Maria Callas achieved immense success as a singer and a painter and she was a leading figure in the realm of music and art. Her status as a celebrity grew with the rise of her musical career and by the end of the twentieth century, she was one of the most well known and respected figures in Spanish literature. She has been described by other writers as ‘our own Oprah’, as a person who had a huge impact on modern Spanish literature. Maria Callas is today happily settling in her native Spain, has retired from her artistic pursuits. She is extremely proud of her achievements and as she says ‘no one can compare with Callas’. In 2021 she was awarded the citizenship of Granada by the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences.
