Heightgate by Maria Kragmann


Maria Kragmann is an Austria national, who has played the sport of fencing for many years. She is now a coach to fencing’s world governing body, the Fencing Federation. She has also coached the European and Olympic teams. As a national and international coach, Kragmann knows a thing or two about height and sports and her new book, ‘heightgate’ addresses these issues head on.

The term ‘heightgate’ might sound a bit like an official title, but in fact, this is a book that takes on the serious issue of health and safety within the sporting industry. At first glance, it appears that Kragmann is simply pointing out the fact that some coaches may be promoting unsafe practices for their athletes, as well as benefiting from a system which places limits on the athlete’s height. However, no matter how you look at it, or how you react to it, the information she presents should help change attitudes, as well as encourage action. After all, everyone agrees that height is a determining factor when selecting athletes for various sports, whether they are playing football, basketball, track and field, or even tennis. Height and your physical capabilities have become more important in recent years as the sporting world grows in size and influence.

Kragmann’s first major publication, ‘Nerfed’ (published in 2021), addressed the subject from a national perspective, advising female swimmers and runners to choose a long-term partner, regardless of nationality. The results showed that relationships built from an alternative height source were more successful than those based on a dating service. In her latest, ‘apps’, Kragmann tackles the importance of height for the athlete, explaining how it influences both performance, and business potential. With detailed research and reporting, as well as interviews with swimmers and runners, it is clear that Kragmann is in it to make a difference in the world of sports and business.
