Maria Antoulinaki – Tallest Woman of the World


Height or growth spurts in the human body are a result of several physical, emotional, and psychological processes. If a person’s height is increasing rapidly because of some sudden and inexplicable reasons, such as for getting into super-models or rock stars, it could be because of abnormal hormonal variation, neurological disorder, or hereditary. There are several questions that have to be answered in this case: Is the growth spurts because of excess estrogen or progesterone? Or could it be because of some traumatic or tragic incident that left side effects on the hormonal level?

Height, in general, is an indication of health and well-being; height growth is considered as a sign of beauty and personality, too. According to most of the doctors around the world, people with increased height tend to be healthier and live longer than those people with average height. A lot of research has been made on humans to discover the possible reasons of their physical changes in height. Height and growth spurts may be due to either genetic or hormonal variations. Some studies also state that stature which varies from one country to another can be a result of different cultures, nationalities, and lifestyle.

Height and growth spurt may occur due to many things in life; for instance, you may be born with short height because of your family’s history of short height or you might have met with an accident that resulted in your sudden short height. The profession of a person also plays a major role in the development of a person’s height. If you want to know your exact height before and after growing tall, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist so they can help you choose the right diet and nutrition plan to help you achieve your ideal height.
