What Is A British Nationality?


Maria Thattil is a British national of Indian origin who was illegally allowed to reside in Pakistan after completing her deportation. She had been told by the British authorities that her national identity had been stolen by the IRA and therefore, her passport was automatically taken and she was forced to leave the country. When asked about her nationality, Thattil indicated that she was an Indian by birth, and therefore Pakistani officials who questioned her did not understand that she was British. When asked why she had left the country without telling her British citizenship, she answered that she was working in Pakistan and had no other nationality identity.

The Pakistani government claims that Maria was a British national until March 1997 when she went to the Indian consulate to apply for nationality. She left the country on April 8, this date coinciding with the Republic day celebrations. British citizenship by choice then becomes vacant once you become a British national by birth.

There are many reasons as to why an individual may get British citizenship by birth but without revealing their true nationality or having any other nationality or legal status. Some people can be born in one country and change their nationality (including marriages) to another without telling the British authorities. There are also those who travel to another country temporarily and end up having dual nationality. In fact, there are many reasons as to why an individual may have more than one nationality or legal status. One can renounce his/her citizenship or legal status in certain circumstances and gain access to benefits and privileges of other countries, yet retain his/her nationality or citizenship of his/her own country.
