A Brief Summary Of The Life Of Juliana Suriano


Juliana Suriano is a name that has been synonymous with great beauty, success for many years now. For those who don’t know much about her or the woman herself, Juliana was the young women who came from a poor family in Brazil and studied painting in order to become a professional artist. She also studied writing, which she used to hone her talent as a writer and to promote her career. After her schooling, she went to work in the prestigious Disney studio as a concept artist and later on, she decided to get involved in photography. This would be where her career would take off to the path that it has taken today.

As you can see, from a very young age, Juliana was destined to become part of something big, and she pursued this goal with such gusto. At the age of twenty, she married Mathieu Duchavath, a French musician. At the time, this marriage was seen as a step towards acceptance for both parties and it also marked the beginning of a long and lucrative partnership. In fact, Juliana’s husband would often visit her studio to help her concentrate on her painting and photography skills. It was during this time when she began to develop a style known as “Dadaism”, which is essentially a rejection of traditional art forms.

During this period, Juliana was also developing an admiration for other artists and this desire would later manifest itself in her being an avid patron of the arts. This would make her even more desirable to her husband, who was always looking for ways to make their relationship more fulfilling and successful. One thing that must be said about this talented young woman is that, she had a natural flair for drawing, which can be seen in the beautiful drawings and paintings that she produced throughout her short life. The most famous of her artwork would include a series of works entitled Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. These striking pieces of art would definitely define the style that she would take throughout her career and they have earned her the respect and admiration of many artists who have attempted to capture her spirit.
