Career and Personal Relationship


Born in Escondido, California on July 10, Juliana Vicente is currently the most senior member of the Vicente & Associates law firm. Having been with the company for over twenty years, she is a four-time former partner and served as its third highest ranking agent. Prior to taking on the role of partner, she held many positions in the firm, including Vice President of Global Sales for Valentina International where she was responsible for the firm’s growth in sales to millions. From there, she went on to become the Executive Vice President of Global Communications where she was responsible for the firm’s outside marketing efforts.

Today, Juliana is primarily known for her love of children and marriage to husband Vicente Jr., a former attorney. This marriage has produced a number of children over the years with one of them being born while they were intimate. However, the couple always remained open and honest about their personal relationships and work related matters even during their marriage. Over the years, the relationship between the two grew and the marital vows became stronger until both spouses ultimately decided it was time to have a child. With this in mind, the opportunity was there for Juliana to pursue her career in her chosen career and have the chance to fulfill a part of her destiny.

For anyone who is considering a career in a legal profession, the opportunity for romance can be as good as any. A legal career, especially of the media based variety, requires an individual to interact with both clients and their lawyers on a daily basis. The intimate nature of the relationship will always make clients feel better about allowing their attorneys to represent them, which will in turn benefit the attorney. While the legal profession is a very competitive industry, having strong interpersonal skills will help propel an attorney toward a successful career. As such, if you are dating a legal professional, consider having the romantic relationship reciprocated by hiring him or her for your case.
