The Princess of Loureno – Brazilian Publishing


Juliana Loureno is the perfect example of beauty, grace and youth. She was born in a family that had a high sense of culture, tradition and intelligence, all of which blended flawlessly for her. From the moment she stepped into the National High School, she knew that this would be the right path for her as she possessed the natural ability to attract men with her beauty, grace and youthful age.

However, this natural beauty also carried the disadvantage of her small stature. The physical description given by Joanna of her mother, her physical description of her father and of the people who surrounded her also suggested a very small body size. When it came to men, it seemed that everyone wanted to marry her, but there was just no way that she could fit into any kind of role in any kind of institution in Brazil. Her physical description matched the description of “elegancia” which meant petite woman. As it is known that the profession of being a writer is considered to be more “feminine” than the profession of being a teacher, it was obvious for any young man that Juliana Loureno should not be considered for a profession in a school of teaching.

On the other hand, the Brazilians, especially those of the educated class, have always viewed her as their most beautiful and gifted asset, and they wanted to keep her as their partner regardless of her small height and nationality. Brazilians value intelligence, beauty and skills above almost everything else in their lives. It seems that when Juliana Loureno stood up for herself, for her principles, for her nationality and for her own beauty, that all these factors did not weigh upon her image as much as they had before. Brazilians saw in her an example of perseverance, persistence, and courage. When it was finally revealed that Juliana Loureno has the ability to read as well as write, and that at the same time she has the brains to back up what she has written, it all made sense to any individual who has studied women’s historical role as their intellectual, emotional and moral compass, and who also sees that beauty and intelligence can be considered first and foremost of a woman’s qualities and assets, and that beauty and intelligence could be paired with courage and understanding for the benefit of society, then there is no reason for any woman to stay in a job she does not enjoy.
