Height Difference Worksheets – Preparing For Your Partner’s Height by Using Your Own Tool


The Height Difference specialist in the firm of Juliana Boller, P.C. offers a comprehensive service to those seeking legal counsel concerning the elevation of their partner to higher office, as well as other professional and personal matters, ranging from the simple to the complex. In keeping with our commitment to superior legal counsel, we understand that each of our partners must have a compelling “story,” and Juliana’s team of professionals can help craft that story to the best advantage of all parties. From the very start of our practice, we take pride in creating resumes that reflect the unique aspects of each client’s professional history, interests, hobbies, and family dynamics.

One of our first areas of focus is that of the various legal statuses our clients may be in, both married and single. We use multiple font styles on various sections of our professional legal work, such as the Summary of Recent Activities, Legal Background and Legal Issues Worksheets, and the Full Term Worksheets. The client is then encouraged to write in the journal of their life and experience by relating these facts to their specific legal situation. For example, if the client is a retired executive, we might ask them to share how they obtained their current position, and what types of skills and experiences they used to achieve their current position. We also encourage them to share with us how they plan to move forward in their career, particularly discussing what type of promotion opportunities they foresee.

When preparing a Height Difference Worksheet for your partner’s height, you will want to keep the length between your partner’s eyebrows intact. This ensures that the sheet remains uniform across the board, while conveying an air of authority and competence. The sheets are designed to be a quick and easy read. You simply fill in the answers pertaining to your partner’s height and marital status, and then print out the worksheets in your desired fonts. We recommend that you use a large print quality paper for your partner’s legal documents, including a resume, because it is easier to read and highlight, and more durable than many other quality papers. After your purchase has been completed, most distributors offer a 30-day return policy.
