Who are Junia Wilken and What Does Her Relationship With Her Partner Mean?


Her citizenship status was revealed to be wrong for at least five years which caused many Americans to go into a frenzy over it. In the midst of all this, Wilken’s partner’s Nationality was also brought into the discussion. Her partner’s Nationality was brought into the discussion because it was apparent that there was an uncertainty regarding the nationality of Wilken’s partner.

At one point, Wilken’s Nationality was brought into question because there were rumors that she might be of German descent. This of course is not true. Her parents were German but she was born in San Antonio Texas. The question being asked here is if Nelly had an affair with Wilken after they were married, or if something happened before they got married that caused them to start having children together. This question has been asked many times before and no conclusive answers are available.

There is one thing that is known about Juliana Wilken though. Her surname is Wilken. If this is not enough of a clue, just take a look at her first name and see if there is a way it could possibly translate into the word “fruit”. This is probably her best known nick-name that people have guessed. Her given name is also a clue as it is very short and unique. Her birthday is also very relevant in that it falls on the same day as International Children’s Day.
