The Height Difference in “The Firm”


Juliana Herz is a professional actress, model, and writer who is best known for her role as “Kathy Grant” in the critically acclaimed TV drama “The Firm”. In the show, Ms. Grant plays an attorney representing a young woman whose own professional and personal life is torn apart by the arrival of a new, handsome young man. As the relationship between the two begins to falter, Ms. Grant develops an intense relationship with her young law partner. Shortly thereafter, however, it becomes clear that this relationship is not based on any sort of attraction or desire, but rather on a sense of mutual responsibility.

At one point in the relationship, it is suggested that the lawyers become more like each other as a result of their shared interest in certain legal matters. This idea would have certainly been fresh at the time of the events that transpired in the first season of “The Firm”, but it seems that the writers chose to forego such content in favor of focusing instead on the romantic relationship that develops between Ms. Grant and her new, devoted legal partner. As a result, viewers are left feeling a bit confused as to how Ms. Grant and Mr. Herz come to work together in the first place. Theirs is an example of the sort of relationship that many people can develop while pursuing a degree in law; however, the fact that the circumstances of the relationship do not immediately seem to make it romantic make this scenario less than interesting for the audience.

Regardless, all audiences are better served by remaining focused on the theme of legal matters as these factors play an important part in the overall story of “The Firm”. It would have been far too easy to lose track of the theme as the show progressed, which is why I feel that the height difference between Ms. Grant and Mr. Herz was one that could have been overlooked if the show had gone at a slower pace or concentrated more on establishing some sort of rapport between the partners before delving into the sexual aspects of their relationship. Regardless, “The Firm” is a legitimate drama in which the legal issues played out between two committed partners are entertaining to both the watcher and the actor who is portraying them.
