Francesca Nardo – An Example of Great Actors With Love


Francesca Nardo is perhaps best recognized as the model and creator of the well-known “suits” worn by both the male and female members of the United States military during the post-World War II World War II era. With such storied fame, it should come as no surprise that many people had the mistaken impression that Nardo was in fact, a woman. This is in fact not the case however, as Nardo is, in fact, a very tall (5′ 8″), strong and athletic woman. It is therefore safe to say that regardless of whether one believes Nardo is a woman or a man, she was indeed a very talented actress during her time.

In terms of her acting career, Nardo spent considerable years developing, honing and perfecting her skills on the stage as well as off stage. As such, she was considered one of the most accomplished and renowned actors of her time. However, it must be noted that Nardo’s skills on the stage were not solely reserved for this profession as she also enjoyed developing, performing and presenting plays. It should be noted that throughout her career, Nardo never had any expectations regarding her acting career other than to provide for her partner’s needs. This is in contrast to many other famous actors who have expectations and goals when working with a particular actor or actress.

In terms of Nardo’s acting career and relationships, Nardo has worked with many notable and famous personalities. Some of these include John Ratzenberger, Frank Sinatra, Yul Brynner, Joe DiMaggio, Joan Collins, Ava Gardner, Diana Ross, Carol Burnett, Bette Midler, Tina Fey, Richard Nixon, Doris Day and more. While some of these actors and actresses may not share a great relationship or even get along quite well with each other, there is no denying that Nardo did play a significant role in each of their respective lives. For this reason, many are enthralled with her performances and often cite her as an inspiration, example or role model for them, when discussing her career.
