Height Difference Helps Women in Career


Francesca Inocentes is today a famous personality in the National Pencil of Competitiveness, which has also been called as the “French Riviera”. It is interesting to note that her heights do not exceed those of her husband. As a matter of fact, she was a salesperson, an accountant and a cabinet maker before she became a writer. She has four children and her husband died when she was thirty-five years old. She has never married and has always remained loyal to her partner, even though he was dead.

When we examine the career of Francesca Inocentes, it seems that her family had an impact on her choice of a career path at a very young age. She had to choose between being an accountant or a cabinet maker and she chose the latter because it was more suitable to her. She did not however realize that the public sector would provide a better future for her. In the end, she fulfilled both her childhood dream of being an accountant and went on to become a famous writer who achieved worldwide fame.

The secret of Francesca Inocentes success does not lie with her great height, but with her admirable personality. People will notice that even now she is focused on helping people and improving the quality of life for those who are in need. She has dedicated her whole life to public service and continues to do so to this day. There is a quote by Diego Maradona, which perfectly describes the character of this woman, “A true leader makes history. Every nation can learn from her mistakes”.
