Francesca Curran – The Queen of Modern Art


Francesca Curran is a painter and writer who have achieved some popularity within the last few years as the “Queen of Paintings”. She is highly sought after as a national and worldwide artist and painter. Her works are admired by many, both for their unique style and for their symbolism. Curran was born in Italy but her birthdate is uncertain as she believed to have been born in Switzerland. She has claimed that her works date back to the period between the First World War and the Second World War, where she depicted the trauma and suffering in Europe during that period of time.

Francesca Curran is often described as having an unusual physique which some associate with being an Italian due to her large breasts however she is actually British and was born in Basel, Switzerland. Francesca Curran’s greatest claim to fame is her famous painting entitled The Courtship of Figaro, which was dedicated to Pope Innocent III. Another famous piece of hers is The Night Cafe, which was purchased by the King of Spain and remains a very famous work of art today. Her most well-known work, which depicts modern day London has been referred to as Manet des femmes although it is thought that this may have referred to paintings of women as opposed to women of the era which was referred to as Manet. Other major works which are often referred to as being Francesc Cavalli’s are Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (19atory), The Prodigal Son (19atory), The Prospect (19atory), Vasex of Venice (19atory) and The Seated Woman (19atory).

Francesca Curran was known to be deeply unhappy at times in her life as she always remained loyal to her nationality although this is sometimes shown by her spelling errors and speaking American English. She was sometimes known to use false accents in order to fit in with the Italian upper class which sometimes worked against her as people sometimes regarded her as pretending to be Italian. Francesc Cavalli was also rumoured to have an affair with the Russian ambassador to Italy which is strongly denied by the Russian embassy. Francesc Cavalli was born in Petrograd, Russia where her family were originally from. She emigrated to London and spent several years living in Claddagh, Ireland before settling in Paris where she became known as Frances Down.
