The Importance of Being of Different Tallities


Francesca Ferreyros is currently a Nationality. She has always been interested in matters of the legal and judicial systems of her native Spain, and her interest was sparked while studying at college in Barcelona. It was whilst participating in a debate course with an international student that this spark which later became a book was begun. It is due to this interest in the legal system that has brought Francesca to write a highly intelligent and stimulating book which delves into the different aspects of Nationality and its effects on relationships, particularly marriage and family relationships.

Francesca Ferreyros refers to the way in which nationality can be considered as a physical feature or a collection of personal traits, all of which can be seen within someone’s body. In this sense, all bodies differ from each other in terms of nationality. The human body consists of many physical features, including height and weight, skin tone and hair colour. While these factors are not specific to humans alone, they do appear to be related to the physical makeup of someone. Throughout history, many relationships have failed simply because one of the partners was of a different race, country, or height than the other partner.

As well as being a lawyer, Francesca Ferreyros has also researched and wrote about the different heights a woman can reach and the roles they play during their lifetimes. As she points out in her book, there are several reasons why being of different heights offers opportunities for women. Being tall often means you will be seen as a powerful and successful individual who can contribute to society in a positive way, which is what most women want from a potential partner. Being of a different height also allows you to pursue a career that you would not be able to afford if you were of a normal size. Lastly, being of a different height can also lead to a more loving and rewarding relationship, because it may allow you to take your partner into account when considering whether they share your interests, and you do not need to feel limited by body size.
