Height Dating For the Over One Hundred and Forty-Five


The Adele Fame is an exclusive height and dating site for the large part exclusively for those who are over one hundred and forty inches in height. This means that if you are really tall like me and many others you will not be able to find any good tall dating sites on the Internet. It was created by an all American woman who also happens to be an accomplished lady in the online world as a professional consultant, Internet marketing specialist, and business owner. Adele herself admits that she became very frustrated looking for a taller person to date when she was in her late thirties or early forties and found it nearly impossible because of all the shallow people in her age group using online dating services.

What prompted her to launch an exclusive dating service for those who are over one hundred and forty-five inches? Well, Adele explains that back in her college years she dated some pretty tall guys but none of them ever asked her out. She felt like a smaller woman and therefore felt like she had failed many times in her life when it came to the matter of physical attraction. After all, it took many years for her to achieve her own success and I think one of the reasons she felt she had failed was because she never found the right man.

She realized that there were other women who had been successful with men in their twenties or forties but had not married and were enjoying their freedom without having to keep up a relationship. These other women made the choice to remain single and enjoyed their relationships because they understood what it’s like to have a full social life and not be a dependent person. Adele says that if you are truly happy with your life and are looking forward to finding love, then the only way you should have any problems in finding a partner is if you are not happy with your life yourself. When you are happy with yourself, then you attract others to you effortlessly. If you are unhappy with yourself, then you attract someone else who needs to be happy with himself too!
