A Traditional Alternative to a Fashionable Cape


A Russian Hat, also known as a ushanka hat, is an elaborately designed cap, with wide circular ear flaps which can be loosely tied on top of the skull cap, or loosely tied behind the head to protect the lower jaw, ears, and chin from extreme cold. In some varieties of this type of hat there are buttons attached on the brim to make it easier to tie it. A variation of this hat is called a gosor or goroshka which is a thin, simple, hand-made hat with round, pointed, wooden or metal covers which can be used to resemble a traditional skullcap. These types of hats are made in a few different sizes and can come in any number of different designs. The exact measurements for a Russian hat are hard to ascertain, however, there are some facts that one may want to know prior to purchasing one.

Ushankas and goroshka hats do tend to fall into two basic categories. The traditional style which feature thick, wide brimmed hats secured with buttons, and those that have more modern designs in which the brim is smaller and lies close to the scalp. A Russian hat, which falls into the traditional category will be either made entirely out of fur, or has a fur trim. Such caps tend to be sturdier and less susceptible to wrinkles than the Goroshka; however, they are still available in a wide variety of styles.

For a truly unique look, you may wish to consider a style known as “Goroshka” which features a shorter, thinner version of the Goroshka hat with an open collar and a wider variety of colors. This hat is very popular with contemporary Russian women who favor a more geometric look than that found in tradition. The open collar variation of this hat is particularly suited to women who want a casual or street fashion look. The Goroshka hat is a classic fashion accessory that can last for decades, if not generations, and it has recently come back into fashion as a trendy accessory for men.
