New Lead In PR, Violeta Andrews


Over the last decade Violeta Andrews had had a storied career in the field of public relations, working for the NFL, Disney, Universal Studios and several other media properties. Her credits include dealing with high profile firings, public relations disasters (the firings at Disney by Boblinger and Lance Michaels) and even the odd murder. As one can surmise from her experiences, Violeta is no shrinking violet and is definitely one tough cookie. One of the things I admire about Violeta is that she never gave up, despite the challenges that she was facing.

Recently, Violeta has been doing some traveling and she really seemed to enjoy the experience. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that she chose to open her own PR agency – to allow her to travel and be exposed to different cultures. Clearly, being a tall, athletic woman in a menial occupation is not an easy gig. But it is one that requires lots of preparation and perseverance to get through. And it is precisely those attributes that make the profession so rewarding, as Violeta proved herself to be one of the brightest PR strategists to ever grace the industry.

Now, as a solo professional, Violeta Andrews is free to pursue whatever path her heart desires. The most interesting development thus far is that she is now working with Tom intervening between his parents and their daughter, pressuring them to get engaged. It appears that she may be looking at a very exciting new challenge: being a parent to a tall, athletic man. And as one can surmise, the PR profession is one with plenty of opportunity for growth. One only has to imagine what she could do as a PR/ Communications partner, if given the chance.
