A Summary of Some Of The Bestselling Russian Novels by Violeta Yas


Violeta Yas has been writing the very popular Russian books since 2021 and has achieved worldwide popularity in her age-old Russian and post-nationality themes. Her stories are very popular among readers not only in Russia but also outside the borders of the USSR. As Violeta has herself an international nationality, she was able to write very detailed accounts of life within the country as well as abroad, yet maintaining her own unique point of view. Her books on nationalities have sold millions of copies and have been translated into many foreign languages.

In her first two books “The Nationality Factor” and “The Missing Nationality” she set out to explain the complexities of Russian life through statistical data gathered over decades. She looked at life through the eyes of a Russian national, whose parents were both foreigners and who thus experienced all the nuances of xenophobia that is part and parcel of Russian life. Through a mix of statistics, personal experience and creative writing she was able to depict an intricate portrait of modern Russian life, one that was made even more interesting due to the fact that it was based not on hard facts but on her own experience. This was in a time before any of the major socio-economic trends that affect all other nations, and it was through her observations that she was able to depict a realistic picture of a typical Russian life.

The third book in her series was “The Missing Nationality” and this entailed a much broader scope. The main theme was how nationalities affect each other when they are married. She looked at how Russian women perceived their spouses across different nationalities and found that while the perception was sometimes contradictory there was often a common ground. The same could be said for children and how they felt about their parents and what their nationalities had in common. This followed on from the second part of her trilogy where she had explored how a parent’s nationality affects that parent’s life and how those nationalities affect that children.
