Height Dating – Is Your Height Really Important in Dating?


As we all know Lisa Clark is one of the most famous plastic surgeons in this era and her popularity can be traced from her first book “The Man With One Palm” in 1976. This book was the first step towards creating an identity for herself as an individual with different kinds of personal identity. Her success in this field can be attributed to the fact that she has made a lot of sacrifices for this career, both personally and professionally. She has maintained a professional level of life by leading a demanding job lifestyle. In the same way, she has managed to live a very simple life despite being very successful in her chosen profession. Her frank and open personality, which comes through her articles and writings on her website and her candidature, have endeared her to a number of readers who have come to appreciate her brilliant outlook in life and her open mind.

Height or Nationality: Part one of a three part series of articles written by Lisa Clark; in this article she talks about the importance of choosing one’s own personal ideal height. She refers to the fact that everyone is different and what might look good to one person might not look good on another person. The main point here is that the height which a person is attracted to does not originate from their nationality but rather from their personal beliefs. It is important to understand that not everyone is attracted to the same heights and as such, it is important to choose one’s own ideal height according to the kind of personality they possess.

The second and the third parts of this article on height and dating involve talking about how to approach such a woman; how to find your partner using these lists; how to get into the ideal size and finally, how to enjoy life with your new partner. It is evident from these articles that Lisa Clark is aware of what men are really looking for in a woman and in this regard, she has given you some valuable tips on how you should proceed. You also find out how you should interact with your partner once you have chosen the ideal height for yourself.
