A Sports Love: A Profile of Lisa Brancati


Ms. Lisa Brancatisano, a tall and petite woman, was recently featured on the television show of “The New American Woman” as the triumphant former champion of the National Tall Women’s Hockey Association (NATWA). In fact, Ms. Brancatisano not only achieved her goal of becoming the first ever National Tall Women’s Hockey Player, but also as the organization’s Executive Director and later as its Governor. In doing so, she joins a list of women, including herself, that have mastered their passions of sports, community service, and public service.

Brancati’s amazing athletic ability and remarkable height have enabled her to be an invited as a featured speaker at national and international Tall Women’s Health Week in Washington, D.C. She is currently scheduled to speak at the World Franchise Games presented by the World Cup Of Basketball (WBB) on August 6-8, 2021. Prior to her involvement with the NHL, Brancati was the Assistant Commissioner of the Women’s National Team and a member of the women’s basketball committee of the United States Olympic team from 1996 to 2021. Besides her extensive professional athletic career, Brancati has also served as an Assistant High School Principal and Counselor, an English teacher, and a Girl Scout. While serving in these capacities, she became a lover of the sport she called “tennis” and has become a strong advocate for its participation among girls of all ages. Currently, she is committed to sharing her expertise on the sport she loves with others.

Brancati’s own love of athletics and her association with numerous organizations and community groups she serves help her to illustrate how she was able to transform her love of the sport into her career and public service. Through her participation in various organizations and volunteer activities, Brancati has achieved tremendous success in both her personal and professional life. As a result, she is one of the few women in the United States who have attained the heights of distinction mentioned above, all while maintaining a relationship with the sport she loves.
