Is Your Nationality Haughty?


Lisa Whittle is an American women’s minister, who is well known for her strong Christian faith and her witty writing style. In her latest book titled “The Marriage Builder,” Lisa Whittle provides some interesting insights into how to build successful marriages even during times of great marital struggle. Specifically, she addresses how to stay focused on the person you are with (your spouse) during the difficult times, and how to overcome being a bit shy about discussing your own shortcomings. The Marriage Builder also offers helpful insights into building a healthy sense of intimacy, as well as learning to avoid being defensive when encountering marital difficulties. In particular, Lisa Whittle shares some very practical advice on how to effectively deal with sexual problems within a marriage, as well as the issue of age and identity.

Lisa Whittle was born and raised in Southern California. She earned a bachelor’s degree at Pacific University in communications and earned a master’s degree at Fuller Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. She then spent several years as a Bible teacher in the small, predominantly black church she attended while attending Oral Roberts University. After that, she worked for several years as a counselor in several other Bible-based ministries, most recently serving as a spiritual director for several girls’ ministries in Orange County, California. Finally, she authored The Marriage Builder, which is a nationally acclaimed book that offers practical ways to overcome marital problems, despite the hardships that inevitably come with marriage.

So what does it mean for a nationality to be “haughty”? Whittle answers this question in a way that is both straightforward and refreshingly honest. It’s not about being ashamed of one’s nationality. Rather, Whittle reminds her readers that nationality is only one aspect of human relationships, and that there can be just as much valid conflict between people from different nationalities and cultures as there is between people who belong to the same nationalities and cultures. Nationality may simply be a part of the larger context of diversity when it comes to the nature of human relationships.
