Personality Secrets – Why Lisa Dawson Seems to Have More Love Online Than You Could Ever Imagine


Lisa Dawson is one of the more controversial members of the National Association of Personal Trainers. She has been at the center of a lot of online debates over the years, due mostly to her controversial statements regarding gender and age. Recently though, Ms. Dawson has been making some positive changes to how she promotes her business on various dating sites. In fact, it seems like the once controversial member of NAPTP has mellowed down a bit. In an effort to promote her business, Ms. Dawson made the decision to stop using the term “bigger” in her profile descriptions on dating sites.

It doesn’t mean that Ms. Dawson is ready to admit that she is not cut out to be a big name in the online dating world. She continues to use strong language when discussing the age and nationalities of people she meets on online dating sites. However, she has realized that her preferred method for selling herself – being a woman who is successful and beautiful – is no longer working. Instead of writing stories filled with innuendo and descriptions of her partner’s penis size or her partner’s sex appeal, Ms. Dawson is content to let other people tell her stories about their real life partners.

What is it about Ms. Dawson’s personality that makes people put her on such a pedestal? There are several theories floating around. Some have suggested that her personality is part of what makes her so likable. It could also be her outgoing personality that attracts men to her. However, it is her professional approach to life that does help to make her likable. People who have a career, a life that is organized, and know how to deal with people probably have more positive attributes than someone who just enjoys the online dating scene and doesn’t know how to manage their own life.
