Can You Predict the Average Height of Your Partner by Their Wedding Dress?


As we all know, Lisa Martinovska is an extraordinary woman, who holds a deep interest on height and nationality. The question that arises here is – what does nationality have to do with this question? It is obvious that one can’t be a Pole in a situation where he or she is from Uzbekistan. Furthermore it seems that the question of nationality is a little complicated in the sense that we find different nationalities in different parts of the world, such as Moldova, Estonia and Poland.

In fact, there have been cases where a woman, who is from Moldova, married a Pole who is a citizen of Estonia, and yet they still have the title’Lisa Martinovska’. In other words, there have been marriages like these in the past few years, which may help explain why Lisa Martinovska, a professional athlete, with a height of 5.1 feet, and an athletic physique, have remained married to a man who is of another nationality. It is not possible for me to analyze each and every case in detail, but the fact is that some marriages have happened where both the partners were of different nationalities. This may give rise to the question of whether or not the profession of gymnast has influenced the partners’ heights.

Height is a very complex phenomenon, and its influence is far-reaching. It is interesting to note that, even in the situation of extreme physical growth, height remains a product of genetics, environment and the activities performed by the partners. This makes it impossible to avoid being born with a certain height, but it is also important to choose the right type of height and not get stuck in a life-long commitment with a height which is inappropriate for his or her nationalities. It seems that in many ways, being tall and being of a certain nationality go hand-in-hand. Whether or not a particular woman is naturally tall is irrelevant for the question ‘how tall was your spouse?’ For the purpose of this article, I am going to concentrate on the questions: How tall was your partner?
